What is particularly striking is its extremely low, power-oriented pedaling frequencies with exceptionally high gear ratios on the mountain, where it mobilizes these amazing performance data. Well, “climate change,” upwelling, you know. As the top driver Robert Petzold aptly put it in 2019: “I would like to really attack Sölden one last time in two years with full force. Maybe there will be controls by then or one or two figures will have disappeared from the scene.” [29], the wish probably remains the father of this idea.

A week later, Meyer pulverized the women’s best time at the Kitzbühel cycling marathon in 06h:48min:43.4s [25]. She came 16th (!) overall, so just 15 men made it to the finish ahead of her. She has a lead of 17 minutes over second place, half an hour over third, and a whopping 1 hour over fourth place.

And she can easily maintain this level of performance throughout the entire season. In the RennRad Magazine’s commentary from May 15, 2024 on the Imst cycling marathon we read: “Your normalized performance over the entire race: 4.2W/kg body weight. At the executioner of the race, the Haiminger Berg, she beat the previous Strava best time by two minutes with an average of 4.6 W/kg body weight over three quarters of an hour. The dates of the climb: 9.66 kilometers, 1021 meters in altitude.”

Fig.6 RennRad Magazine from August 4th, 2023.

Jeannie Longo-Ciprelli [30] will certainly be very surprised to see what the “amateur athletes” are capable of these days. The Radamazons at the RAAM (Race Across America [31]) have already indicated with their overall victories in 2021 and 2023 that the men’s bastion can definitely be cracked with increasing endurance distance [32]. And even at the tender age of 52! There are always miracles and probably not just in German songs.

The fact that there is no effective doping control system in popular sports is almost “understandable” due to the now lucrative economic importance of the Everyman events for organizers and top athletes. Competition controls are useless anyway due to their predictability. A dense network of training controls including a reporting system (ADAMS, [33]) and accompanying undercover investigations by law enforcement authorities would be a first approach to increasing the pressure on athletes to comply with fair competition standards. But positive doping tests cost a lot of money, destroy the image and benefit none of those involved, which is why we leave it at empty phrases, alibi regulations and facade maintenance. A comparable phenomenon of total failure across society can currently be experienced with the failure to come to terms with the Corona scenario [34].

So many official official documents have now been seized as evidence that the entire politically exploited microbial show from 2020 onwards will go down in history as a pandemic of inhumanity, as Cicero aptly calls it [35]. How threatening the evidence has now changed against the perpetrators is demonstrated, for example, by the latest attempt by the pandemic prince and hobby dictator from the Bavarian State Chancellery [36], which of course does not aim at a general amnesty and rehabilitation of the numerous Corona regime victims, but at the fastest possible cover-up in the Causa is intended to ensure that the initiators and followers cannot be held accountable through extensive legal investigations. On the completely overcrowded medical family doctor front, the situation of the “vaccination” victims desperately seeking help has become so dire that even the Bavarian Medical Journal was forced to admit the unmistakable catastrophic consequences of the mass experimental Covid-19 gene therapy injections [37]. Regardless of this, the criminal syndicates dared to continue to show their presence unabashedly as jersey sponsors in professional sports [38]. The show must go on for everyone, based on the ancient Roman motto “bread and circuses”, whether at the ÖRM or in the numerous other modern amphitheaters. That’s why you should always look twice at what is presented to you for entertainment or (dis)information and check it for plausibility and credibility.

[1] https://news.germanroadraces.de/laufen-unter-medikamenteneinfluss-dr-dr-lutz-aderhold/#:~:text=Aber%20selbst%20im%20Breitensport%20ist%20die%20prophylaktische%20Einnahme%20von%20Schmerzmitteln%20%C3%BCblich., https://www.praxis-kuester.de/downloads/presse/MMW_Analgetika_Marathon.pdf

[2] https://dserver.bundestag.de/btd/16/095/1609552.pdf s. bspw. S. 71

[3] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%96tztaler_Radmarathon

[4] https://granfondodailynews.com/2024/03/24/strike-3-youre-out-italian-fondo-rider-tests-positive-for-third-time/

[5] https://granfondodailynews.com/2023/07/20/44-year-old-national-champion-tests-positive-for-epo-and-oxycodone/

[6] https://www.sportnews.bz/artikel/radsport/rennrad/motordoping-bei-der-maratona-dles-dolomites 2022, https://granfondodailynews.com/2024/07/19/here-we-go-again-4th-rider-on-italian-amateur-fondo-team-caught-doping/, https://www.cycloworld.cc/article/two-doping-cases-in-granfondo-strade-bianche-2023/2493 2023, https://granfondodailynews.com/2024/07/17/world-champion-fails-dope-test-positive-for-epo/, https://www.radsport-news.com/freizeit/freizeitnews_128535.htm UCI-Gran-Fondo-Weltmeisterin Parente für vier Jahre gesperrt, https://www.radsport-rennrad.de/sport-gesellschaft/dopingfaelle-leitartikel/, https://velomotion.de/2015/10/sieger-des-gran-fondo-new-york-war-gedopt-veranstalter-fluhme-im-interview/, https://www.cyclingweekly.com/news/double-uci-gran-fondo-champion-suspended-following-epo-finding-422631, https://www.tour-magazin.de/event/jedermann-rennen/uci-granfondo-wm-ein-amateursportler-bei-einer-weltmeisterschaft/ Ex Profi Doper bei Gran Fondo WM, https://www.radsport-rennrad.de/race/doping-hobby-radsport/ super Übersicht Doping Jedermannszene

[7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFwJK4Vk8Ls Doping mit Testo und Co: So extrem betrügen Hobbysportler | BR24 Sport 26.07.2024

[8] https://www.rennrad-news.de/news/massenaufgabe-torneo-interclubgs-del-vinalopo/

[9] https://www.tagesspiegel.de/sport/von-richters-gnaden-1012966.html

[10] https://austria-forum.org/af/AustriaWiki/%C3%96tztaler_Radmarathon

[11] https://www.cycling-academy.de/index.php/cycling-academy/team-granfondo (https://www.cycling-academy.de/index.php/cycling-academy)

[12] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emanuele_Negrini

[13] https://www.stol.it/artikel/sport/maratona-dles-dolomites-drei-fahrer-unter-doping-verdacht, https://www.ruoteamatoriali.it/strada/2004-doping-edith-vanden-brande-archiviato-il-suo-fascicolo-era-autorizzata-ad-assumere-il-formoterolo.html

[14] https://www.tour-magazin.de/event/jedermann-rennen/gedopt-aufs-oetztaler-podium/, https://www.tour-magazin.de/event/jedermann-rennen/dopingfall-noesig-die-hintergruende/ man beachte die unglaubliche Leistungsentwicklung von Nösig anhand der jährlich enorm verbesserten Fahrzeiten beim ÖRM!

[15] https://speed-ville.de/der-dopingfall-roberto-cunico-und-das-kasperletheater-vom-oetztal/, https://www.tour-magazin.de/event/jedermann-rennen/gedopter-oetztaler-sieger-positiv-auf-epo/

[16] https://www.unterlenker.com/2016/09/mutanten-im-otztal.html

[17] http://www.spiegel.de/sport/sonst/dopingsuender-ullrich-erhaelt-startverbot-fuer-amateur-rennen-a-814971.html -> http://www.achimheinze.de/otztaler_radmarathon_2012.html Ulle dabei https://www.diepresse.com/1443821/radsport-jan-ullrich-radelt-im-oetztal

[18a] https://breitensport.rad-net.de/aktuelles/2016/amateurfahrer-cecchini-profidebut-mit-38.html und https://www.faz.net/aktuell/sport/jan-ullrich-arbeitet-mit-umstrittenem-arzt-1174546.html, https://www.welt.de/welt_print/article1029370/Zweifelhafte-Vergangenheit.html

[18b] https://www.tt.com/artikel/13371626/erstmals-kontrollen-beim-oetztaler-radmarathon 2017

[19] https://www.oetztaler-radmarathon.com/de/home/das-rennen/reglement.html

[20] https://cyclingmagazine.ca/sections/feature/jack-burke-innocent-but/, https://www.thestar.com/sports/amateur/innocent-cyclist-jack-burke-cant-shake-doping-record/article_f35a99df-f009-5bc2-b495-d47b46b250d3.html

[21] https://speed-ville.de/jack-burke-rennrad/

[22] NP = geschätzte Durchschnittsleistung eines Trainings/Wettkampfes, wenn es mit einer konstanten Leistung absolviert worden wäre. Die Berechnung der Normalized Power sieht als Formel wie folgt aus:

Hierbei steht n für die Anzahl der Zeitintervalle der Einheit und p für die der Leistungswerte, über die aufsummiert wird.

  • Dabei wird zuerst die durchschnittliche Leistung jeweils über die ersten 30 Sekunden (jedes Zeitintervalls) berechnet.
  • Der daraus resultierende Wert wird dann in die vierte Potenz gesetzt – also viermal mit sich selbst multipliziert.
  • Im dritten Schritt wird aus diesen Werten ein Durchschnitt gebildet, der dann im letzten Schritt in die vierte Wurzel gesetzt wird.

Das Ergebnis stellt die normalisierte Leistung dar. Durch diese Methode werden bspw. „Leerlaufleistungen“ wie bei Abfahrten weniger stark gewichtet. S.a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_1X2tLF-5Y WAS IST NORMALIZED POWER? SCYENCE Masterclass S03E01

[23] Vergleich Profibestzeit:  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro_%C3%96tztaler_5500 6h:37min:34s

[24] https://open.spotify.com/episode/61OEF3Y59sGMhCzbQ2twBo?si=cfb3155e4b5a4425 “Ötztaler Rad Marathon/Chapter 130 & 131 From The 2nd Edition Of How To Become A Pro Cyclist (coming fall 2024)” v. 5.09.2024

[25] https://www.kitzbueheler-radmarathon.at/presse-surrealer-sieg-fuer-jack-burke-beim-4-kitzbueheler-radmarathon/

[26] https://www.facebook.com/Lexxi.Janine/?locale=de_DE 17.08.2024 13:31Uhr (https://www.facebook.com/Lexxi.Janine/posts/pfbid02vrq11QuAqupwfciHCPWy1AQmDr9CJDEuVGX6jHhHPBdsRrDSMeWce7rEoqEZdMyhl?__cft__[0]=AZVPopm7i2NIYmjbbvY4uMxUMYZa95jAQeQc3shU94KV00KPGnudFV7GoGXXz0AqkDmlgxd8TDAddzkynXIFoiiUwJs3pAxhMhlf8sUNUvuyRzsdTuPd5CXvpTUqbXJheAWWGnX2rJwcDi-C0OHERuTHZIWBdW_CaVfs505L0mihI9iF6C0vTxLzsrJ8DfhcCpw&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R)

[27] https://speed-ville.de/janine-meyer-radsport/

[28] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VAM_(bicycling)

[29] https://www.petzracing.de/2019/09/oetztaler-radmarathon-2019/ Robert Petzold

[30] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeannie_Longo-Ciprelli

[31] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_Across_America

[32] https://www.nau.ch/sport/rad/isa-pulver-siegt-beim-langstem-extrem-radrennen-der-welt-66526997

[33] https://www.nada.de/kontrollen/adams

[34] https://apolut.net/die-aufarbeitungsfalle-von-felix-feistel/

[35] https://www.cicero.de/innenpolitik/corona-justiz-pandemie-der-unmenschlichkeit-rki-files, vgl. bspw. auch https://auf1.info/dr-strasser-der-groesste-menschenversuch-der-geschichte/ EU Pfizer „Impfstoff“liefervertrag und https://sound.orf.at/podcast/oe1/dimensionen/john-ioannidis-das-gewissen-der-wissenschaft

[36] https://www.bild.de/politik/in-bayern-markus-soeder-will-in-bayern-alle-corona-verfahren-einstellen-66eaa6a1a833da18957d915a

[37] https://www.bayerisches-aerzteblatt.de/inhalte/details/news/detail/News/post-vac-syndrom-langfristig-krank-nach-covid-19-impfung.html

[38] https://www.spiegel.de/sport/fussball/bundesliga-mainz-05-stellt-biontech-als-sponsor-vor-a-a4be04b3-1bef-45dd-8ec5-f209039c872f

Source article image: https://rennradler.it/oetztaler-radmarathon/

The author studied chemistry and sports science, worked, among other things, in the Institute for Biochemistry and Doping Analysis at the German Sport University in Cologne, was a founding member of the NADA DKS Commission (National Anti Doping Agency, Doping Control System), co-author of the book “Doping in Cycling”, was Speaker in further training for sports doctors and as a course leader in trainer training. He finished the ÖRM twice under extreme weather conditions, completely hypothermic on his first attempt and suffering from heat stroke in the Passeier Valley on another attempt.

©Copyright by Dipl.-Ing./Dipl.-Trainer Dieter Quarz, publication only against a fee and a specimen copy.

By Smirs1

Studied chemistry and sports science; 30 years of professional experience in clinical research, medical device approval, fitness industry and support of world-class athletes; former graduate student at the Institute of Biochemistry and Doping Analysis at the DSHS Cologne; investigative journalist in mainstream and alternative media with numerous specialist publications; passionate cyclist, has been racing for 40 years; inventor and patent holder

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