At this year’s Cycling World Championships in Glasgow, Scotland, the US American Chloe Dygert will go down in the annals of cycling as the first time trial world champion with a cold in the post-Corona episode [1]. After winning her first title at the World Championships track competitions in the 3000m individual pursuit, Dygert developed the typical and “Corona” equivalent cold symptoms, which prevented her from achieving her best performance in the team pursuit discipline. It would certainly have been advisable to skip the competition and stay in bed so as not to take any unnecessary health risks for the athlete. However, after four days, the powerful and adapted immune system of the high-performance athlete had compensated for the pathogenic viral heterostasis of the organism and made the magnificent title run in the individual time trial on the road possible. Immediately afterwards, the extreme stress caused by the extremely short convalescence led to a recurrence, so Dygert decided not to take part in the road race anymore, but to recover completely [2]. The patient Dygert clearly shows how unspectacularly and self-responsibly you can successfully deal with harmless cold symptoms without celebrating corona hysteria, which is harmful in every respect. Before 2020, such an explanation would have been obsolete anyway. We can only hope that humanity will at least remember this collectively and consider how to deal pragmatically with colds and flu-like infections without falling into staged pandemic panic. It is, after all, progress that the common cold has recently become normal again in the mainstream and is pushing the Coronists out of the headlines. People in the editorial offices there are slowly beginning to understand how they have been ripped off using every trick in the book over the last three years.
If the harassing regulations from the era of the microbial circus and hygiene terror had continued to apply in the World Cup competition, Dygert would almost certainly have been excluded from the competition due to a completely nonsensical and unspecific rapid or PCR test “Corona case positive” and would never have become the title holder. An attempt would probably have even been made to “boost” them later, although there is still no randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled gold standard study data available on the effectiveness of the experimental gene therapy injections (“Covid-19 vaccinations”), as was the case with a recent scandalous request in the Bundestag disclosed [3]. Instead of finally addressing this intolerable situation on the part of the obvious fraud by the pharmaceutical manufacturers and prosecuting this criminally, Germany’s top pharmaceutical lobbyist and head of the Federal Ministry of Health is allowing the Republic to be plastered with a lying “Long Covid” campaign [4], which only serves the purpose to prevent numerous post-vac patients injured by gene therapy from taking legal action against manufacturers and politically responsible parties [5].